
Easy A

In Entertainment on October 1, 2010 at 7:07 pm

By: Austin Hazen

The cover for the new movie Easy A. Photo courtesy of Google images

Looking for a movie, but don’t know which one you want to see? Depending on the type of movie you like, whether its comedy, romantic, or even horror, Easy A is not the best movie for you unless you’re the rude humor type. Easy A takes place at a high school where students are more worried about having a reputation than their studies.

            Emma Stone plays Olive, the main character. She plays an innocent girl throughout the movie, but because of one lie, her life changes and not for the better.  All the drama starts when Olive decides to lie and tell her best friend that she had sex with a college guy.

            Now that the word is out that she has lost her virginity, every guy wants to have sex with her to raise their reputation. Olive plays along not by having sex, but by getting gifts and money from the guys that want to have sex with her just so they can pretend that they had sex. This movie is funny, but it should definitely not be rated PG-13 due to all the language and sexual humor.

Throughout the movie, you start realizing how important it is to just be who you are and not do bad things just to be popular. Everyone needs to be careful about what they say because, especially in high school, it will spread like the flu in a hospital. Your reputation could be ruined just by a little white lie so just don’t lie and be who you really are and if people don’t accept you “Oh well”.

If you take anything away from this review, it should be that being popular isn’t everything its cut out to be. When you’re trying to pick a movie, choose one that is not titled Easy A. Your life is too important to worry about what other people think about you. Just live your life for you no one else but you.


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